Posted on 2/27/2018
Hello D&K Customers, Friends and Family, We have been busy here at the shop. Last week the floors were finished up, counter tops are being installed and the electricians are still hard at work. Things are coming together fast now! We are taking appointments now for our first week open. April 2, 2018!!! Please give us a call or email us to book an appointment now. Our grand opening celebration is on 3/31. We have lots of prizes and some auto repair to give away. Please click on the ling in this email to let us know that you will be attending and check out what we will be doing that day.   ... read more
Posted on 2/20/2018

Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, We are still hard at work and things are going as planned. Last week the electricians got some of the lights on in the shop, it is really starting to come together. We are right on track for our grand opening celebration and our opening day! Don't forget that our first day back is April 2nd. Our appointment schedule is filling up fast. So please contact us if you would like to get in as soon as we re-open. We can still be reached by phone or email. We've been working hard to improve the overall service and experience here at D&K. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve that, please feel free to let us know. We have created a Facebook event for our grand opening celebration on 3/31. Please click on the link and click that you will be attending. RepairPal will be hosting a car care event and we will be raffling off prizes throughout the day and there ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2018
Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Things are right on track for our opening day on 4/2/18. Last week all of the insulation was put up in the ceiling and the first coat of paint went on over the weekend. That's correct, they are working weekends for us to keep us on track! We are currently starting to schedule appointments. Some of you we have already talked to and we have added you to our calendar. Some we may not have talked to yet. So please feel free to email or call us so we can get you on our calendar. It is difficult for us to not share all of the progress with you. But we are excited for you all to see our newly remodeled shop. We have been working hard getting things ready for our grand opening party as well. So please save the party date 3/31/18 at 11:00 AM. Have a great week, R.J. MilnesGeneral ManagerD&K Auto Repair ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2018
Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Things are happening fast here at D&K! Last week the sheet rock was put up, tape and texture was started and the electrician finished a lot of the rough electrical. We've been picking paint colors, tile options etc.. We would love to show you all the progress, but that would spoil the surprise! We are still planning our grand opening with all of the suggestions that you have sent us. We have lots of great ideas. Now we just have to figure out how to make it all happen. Within the next week or two we will be creating a Facebook event for the grand opening, so please stay tuned for upcoming details on our grand opening celebration. Please add these dates to your calendar. Our grand opening is 3/31 and we will re-open on 4/2. Thank you all for continued support. Have a fantasti ... read more