Posted on 1/1/2019

New year, new you...lots of new resolutions! We love a new year: there is so much exciting energy. The holidays are over, and everyone returns to business with a spring in their step and the firm resolve to make this year count. At D & K Automotive, we’d like to encourage you to make your new year count by resolving (ha! See what we did there?!) to bring your car in for regular auto repair and maintenance! Oil changes should happen at least every three months, if not more. Tires need to be rotated. Transmissions need to be checked. We want to see you have an excellent, long relationship with your car...for as long as your car shall live! With regular auto repair and maintenance, the auto mechanics at D & K Automotive can act as the “love doctors” for you and your car, thereby improving your relationship and getting as much enjoyment out of your ride as possible! We want to see more of you this year, so come on into D & K Automotive! Our ... read more