Hello D&K Customers, Friends and Family,
We have been busy here at the shop. Last week the floors were finished up, counter tops are being installed and the electricians are still hard at work. Things are coming together fast now!

We are taking appointments now for our first week open. April 2, 2018!!! Please give us a call or email us to book an appointment now.
Our grand opening celebration is on 3/31. We have lots of prizes and some auto repair to give away. Please click on the ling in this email to let us know that you will be attending and check out what we will be doing that day.
| Join us for our Grand Opening Celebration. Everyone and their mother is invited. :-) Who: D&K Automotive Repair, 712 E. 18th Street in Antioch, CA... |
Have a fantastic week,
R.J. Milnes